Thursday, October 18, 2012

The Politiques

We have just studied and discussed a number of famous "politiques" from late 16th/early 17th Century Europe (Henry IV, Elizabeth I, Catherine de Medici, William of Orange, Cardinal Richelieu, etc.). In your opinion, which of them was the most effective in achieving his or her political goals? Please keep posts brief, and post by October 26th.

Wednesday, October 3, 2012

Erasmus and Luther: the power of the pens

Click on the link below (or paste it into a browser)to read Luther's 95 Theses, and then write a post comparing it to the satire of Erasmus which we read in class. In particular, I want to know what you think of how the tone of the two texts differ. What would account for these differences? You can also access both documents on the cd that came with your text. Publish your posts be Wednesday October 10th.