Friday, February 15, 2013

Marx: Dead or Alive?

Why did so many socialist theories of economics emerge in Europe in the mid 19th Century, and why do you think those of Karl Marx grew to be more influential than the others? Why do you think capitalism has continued to flourish despite Marx's claim that it is destined to fail? Do you believe that there will be new social-economic theories emerging if capitalism encounters troubles, and if so what might these be? Please post a thoughful response by Friday 3/1/12.

Tuesday, January 29, 2013

Redrawing the Maps

Please give your opinion regarding which country you think got the best deal at the Congress of Vienna, and why. Also, please explain who got the worst deal and why. Please post comments by Monday 2/4.

Tuesday, December 4, 2012

Hobbes or Locke?

Although you have not yet reached the age of 20, you have all enjoyed plenty of chances to observe human beings and their behaviors. Do you agree with Thomas Hobbes, the political philosopher who viewed humans as selfish beasts who need to be ruled by an absolutist government in order to avoid a state of hellish anarchy; or do you agree more with John Locke, the political philosopher who viewed humans as reasoning creatures exhibiting goodwill towards one another who should agree to be ruled by a limited ruler who will respect their natural rights? Remember, try to keep your comments brief. You are encouraged to respond to each other, with criticism and/or humor, provided you do so appropriately and with mutual respect. Please post by Monday, December 10th.

Wednesday, November 14, 2012

Father-Son Advice the Royal Way

After reading the letters which Louis XIV and Peter the Great wrote to their heirs, as well as hearing the stories of how Frederick William I of Prussia treated his own son and heir to the throne, post a few comments on their paternal advice and how the sons responded. Whose advice was the best, whose was the worst? Which was most useful for a future monarch? With which of the sons' responses, if any, do you most agree? Please respond by Tuesday 11/21, and remember that if you choose to disagree, do so in an agreeable manner.

Thursday, October 18, 2012

The Politiques

We have just studied and discussed a number of famous "politiques" from late 16th/early 17th Century Europe (Henry IV, Elizabeth I, Catherine de Medici, William of Orange, Cardinal Richelieu, etc.). In your opinion, which of them was the most effective in achieving his or her political goals? Please keep posts brief, and post by October 26th.